(SMK-MKP) will also take part in the election in the Bratislava Region in a broad right-wing coalition,” says the statement of the SMK-MKP. The Hungarian party stressed that their coalition partners will be the opposition SaS (Freedom and Solidarity), the OĽaNO (Ordinary People), the NOVA (New Majority), the OKS (Civic Conservative Party), the KDH (Christian Democratic Movement) and the ZZ (Zmena zdola, Democratic Union of Slovakia) in the Bratislava Region.

The SMK-MKP made clear in its statement that it always stood for election as a right-wing coalition member in all electoral cycles in the Bratislava Region, now, however, a new situation has arisen: the coalition no longer includes the SDKÚ-DS (Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party) which has technically ceased to exist, and the Most-Híd which has lost its credibility with the right-wing parties and voters due to its coalition membership.
(www.korkep.sk, 19 July 2017)