The Party of the Hungarian Community is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its establishment. The Party of the Hungarian Coalition arose from the merger of the parties established after the democratic transition and held its inaugural meeting in Dunajská Streda on 21 June 1998. This party was the first single organisation representing Hungarian political interests after the systemic change, and its activities also contributed to the accession of Slovakia to Euro-Atlantic institutions. It changed its name to the Party of the Hungarian Community at its congress held on 22 September 2012 and has been ensuring the representation of Hungarian political interests for over 20 years, which has been one of the key pillars for the functioning and orientation of the party. It continues to take into account the need to carry out political activities in the interest of Slovakian Hungarians, and its main mission is to ensure the survival and prosperity of Slovakian Hungarians in their native land. The party — as a stable member of the European People’s Party — urges developing a welfare society based on the principles of the social market economy, strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, and achieving full respect for and consistent observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including minority rights. The two main pillars of the party’s policy are: the economic rise of South Slovakia, and ensuring the survival and prosperity of the Hungarians in Slovakia.
The Party of the Hungarian Community (SMK–MKP) considers that a key task in 2018 is to ensure interest representatives that focus on the survival and prosperity of Hungarian communities at local level in the November municipal elections.
The party regards the forthcoming presidential elections, the elections to the European Parliament, and the next parliamentary elections as further major milestones.
The SMK–MKP selected its candidate for the presidential office at the congress: SMK–MKP President József Menyhárt.
The Party of the Hungarian Community continues to carry out its tasks with a responsible attitude. The adverse census data on the Hungarian population in Slovakia encourages the party to fight for significant progress in the three fields of the minorities policy in Slovakia, i.e. protection of rights, financial support, and institutional framework, including developing the institutional framework for self-government. Since this could be the best guarantee of our survival.
(www.mkp.sk, 29 Sept 2018)